A short story by Juke.
Other than the light the boy was studying from, the room was dark. not only dark in the physical sense, but in the emotional sense as well. that moment was the last dark moment the boy would ever have. during that moment, he beat everything. all the angst that had been fighting him all his teenage life. it was the greatest moment he had ever experienced. it was a rebirth for him. a rebirth of his emotional well being as well as his physical nature.
The moment that this all happened was not as simplistic as described. the boy didn't know what was going on, he couldn't have known. if he had known, he was trying to accomplish this, none of this could have happened. it might have been the headache he had. or maybe it was all the work that had been piled up on himself because of his escape. maybe both. maybe neither.
As said before, the moment was a rebirth of the boy. the boy had been sitting there, with his music turned up as loud as his head could possibly take. the music was building up, gradually reaching it's peak just as a good book does. and when the music hit it's peak, the boy scream withed vigor, stretching his arms out, releasing all energy in him to the outside. although he was releasing all of his energy that was in him out, he was taking in new energy as well. new energy to rebuild himself.
The boy began to hum that tune that was playing earlier. he sat in his chair, looking around at objects in his room that he had never really noticed before. the spider's web in the corner, the crack on the ceiling, and the hardest thing to see: himself.