A serious little thing by Juke.

The gay lifestyle doesn't have to be acceptable persay, but it needs to be, at the very least, understood. the major opposition towards homosexuality seems to come from the conservative christian community. the conservative christian view seems to be that according to the bible it is only right to have a relationship with someone of the opposite gender, and that is the way it should be for everyone. this is understandable because they are just following what they believe, but the conservative community also have to realize that there are other people in this country that believe different things than they do. i think the main reason people do not understanding homosexuality is because they see homosexuality as this big sex culture. most people see homosexuality as what the see at miscellaneous gay rights parades. they see homosexuals walking in their underwear pronouncing their sexuality, and if people just see this, they are not going to understand why homosexuals should be treated as equally as everyone else. homosexuals need to realize if they want to be understood, they need to take the first step. the rest of society is not going to do it for them.